Why restore and not repair?

Instrument restoration vs. repair: What's the difference?

Our restoration process is standard for every instrument or device.  The piece is completely disassembled, cleaned, inspected, and analysed for performance issues.  All defective components are replaced with OEM parts or parts that have been custom-fabricated by Dumaine Precision following OEM specifications. No shortcuts or quick fixes.

Your instrument is returned to you in “New” condition: calibrated, polished and packaged with the same or better lifespan as originally specified.

If you’re concerned about instruments that may have sustained similar damage, get in touch with us.

Instruments and devices suitable for Dumaine Precision’s Total Restoration service:

The following instruments are most commonly sent to us for restoration due to their complexity and high cost of replacement. These instruments are typically labelled as ‘Beyond Repair’ by repair services and original manufacturers. The combination of our highly sophisticated facility, our expertise, as well as our exceptionally talented technicians enable Dumaine Precision to fully restore these and many other types of instruments and medical devices.

  • Rigid Endoscopes – (all types and brands)
  • High Quality Cutting Instruments (sharpening and calibration)
  • Working Elements – resectoscope
  • Cystoscope sheaths (all types of sheaths)
  • Endoscopic needle drivers
  • Ureteroscope semi flexible forceps (all types of small diameter forceps)
  • Optical biopsy forceps (all instruments and accessories that connect to the scopes)
  • Laparoscopic forceps and scissors
  • Albarran deflectors
  • Endoscopic bipolar forceps
  • Instruments requiring new coatings
  • Instruments requiring new machined parts
  • Instruments requiring laser welding expertise